vision and mission

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• vision :-

Ports with distinguished services, capable of competition, and possessing an advanced position among other ports in the region.

•   Mission :-

A governmental institution that works to actively contribute to supporting and strengthening the national economy and serving the local community through the implementation of its tasks in the field of establishing, developing and equipping its ports, operating them and upgrading the level of their services.

• institutional values :-

In drawing up its future vision and strategic mission, and linking them to the extent of its contribution to achieving national goals, the Foundation relies on a set of core institutional values and functional principles and ethics generalized to all its employees and affiliates. These values and principles are as follows:

1.Loyalty and belonging :-

-  Our loyalty to work in the institution is loyalty to God and belonging to the homeland.

2.customer satisfaction:-

-The institution works to gain and achieve the highest degree of satisfaction of the beneficiaries of its services .

3.Team work:-

Spreading a culture of teamwork, a principle that the institution seeks to achieve in all its work.

4.creativity :-

Creativity is a value that the institution encourages in its work and the ways of thinking of its members.

5.The initiative:-

The institution is keen to provide a positive environment that encourages its members to take initiative.   


  • Keeping pace with the rapid and successive developments in the field of container handling and absorbing modern port mechanisms and systems is an imperative and urgent necessity.
  • Paying attention to the human element and continuing to develop and modernize the financial, administrative and technical work.
  • Information technology is an essential and key component of business development
  • Creating an investment-attractive infrastructure
  • Continuing to support and encourage the private sector
  • Paying attention to the aspects of marketing and promoting services and facilities

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About Us

The Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation is a governmental institution that works to actively contribute to supporting and strengthening the national economy and serving the local community through the implementation of its tasks in the field of establishing, developing and equipping its ports, operating them and upgrading the level of their services.

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